Pop, Rock and Metal


What inspired you to create “NO POP,” and how does it differ from your previous releases?

"No Pop" is a piece that holds a special place for me, channeling raw emotion through an uncharted soundscape. It was both a catharsis and a bold exploration.

Can you describe the creative process behind “NO POP”?

The creation was purely organic, born from an innate desire to experiment. With CHILZ's collaboration, we seamlessly merged emotion and innovation, crafting beats and lyrics that resonate on a profound level.

What challenges did you face while producing a pop track when your primary genres are pop and trip hop?

The challenge was undeniable, especially in the melodic passages. Yet, it was within this challenge that I found the ability to convey deeper, more nuanced emotions through the vessel of pop.

How has your Mexican heritage influenced your music, especially in “NO POP”?

My nationality runs deep in "No Pop. The song dances between English and Spanish, but the most gripping part is undeniably in Spanish. Growing up enveloped in the rich sounds of Mexican music, I realized some emotions can only be captured in Spanish.
This linguistic blend isn't just a choice, it's a reflection of my roots, a way to inject raw authenticity into the music.

How do you balance the elements of pop and trip hop in your music?

In the studio, magic happens. Our combined tastes create a perfect balance, leading to tracks like this.

What message or emotions do you hope listeners take away from “NO POP”?

I hope listeners find a piece of themselves in the music, a mirror to their own emotions.
"No Pop" isn't just a song it's a journey through the labyrinth of feelings. I want it to be a guide, helping them navigate the shadows and light within their own experiences.

Can you tell us about any collaborations or notable contributions to the production of “NO POP”?

There are numerous artists I hold in high regard, and the prospect of collaboration excites me. Lately, however, Sensenra has particularly captured my artistic curiosity.

How do you see your music evolving in the future after the release of “NO POP”?

"No Pop" heralds a new era for this project—a phase marked by experimentation and a departure from the confines of traditional hip hop. It signifies a bold, new direction for Gramz.

What are your plans for promoting “NO POP,” and can we expect any live performances or tours soon?

I've been actively engaging on social media, and I invite you to experience the lyric video on SyncUp Team YouTube channel.

LINK: https://ffm.to/nopop

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