Bridy is currently making waves in the international media spotlight for his remarkable collaboration with Caio Gaona on the sensational n...
"Magic of Isis" features Oula Al-Saghir, a refugee that currently lives in Brazil with her family since 2005, and it's already...
SACRIFIX releases crushing fourth new video! One of the newest representatives of Brazilian Old School Thrash Metal, SACRIFIX , have re...
ROYAL HUNT announced a re-issued version of their 2005 studio album “Paper Blood” as a double LP and a newly designed digipak on the 3...
FFO: Amon Amarth, Tyr, Wintersun Released: May 1st, 2021 Ren Marabou is a multi-instrumentalists rock/metal solo artist who hails fr...
“Vdelygmia” is the second release and first full-length by Edinburgh’s Chestcrush, the solo project by Evangelos Vasilakos . The Greek...